Other Resources

Note: Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.



Support Organization: 


NAMI  National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness


Mental Health Care General Links:



Internet Mental Health 

Let’s Talk Facts, APA 

Mental Health Counselor Resources, About.com 

Mental Help Net 

Mental Illnesses/Disorders 


University of Michigan Health Topics A to Z 

Web Sites You Can Trust, Medical Library Association 


Additional Mental Health Care & Counseling Resources


Interpretation of Dreams 

Keirsey (Myers-Briggs) Temperament Sorter 


Note: Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.

Associations & Institutes:


World Health Organization  

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 

American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy 

American Counseling Association 

American Psychiatric Association 

American Psychological Association 

American Psychological Society 

Canadian Mental Health Association 

Center for Mental Health Services 

National Institute of Mental Health 

National Mental Health Association 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 





Food and Drug Administration 

Medline Plus 





Medications and Health Supplements


Drug Interactions, Alternative, MotherNature 

Drug Interactions, DIRECT 

Medical Dictionary 

Medications, FDA 

Medications, PDR 

Medline, Comparison 


SAMHSA’s Psychiatry and Psychology 

Journals & Magazines

ADHD Report 

Anxiety, Stress and Coping 



Contemporary Hypnosis 


Depression and Anxiety 


Drug and Alcohol Review 


Early Child Development and Care 

Eating Disorders 

Educational Assessment 

Journal of Gambling Studies 

Journal of Happiness Studies 

Journal of Mental Health and Aging 

Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 

Language and Cognitive Processes 

Loss, Grief & Care 

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities

Metaphor and Symbol 

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 


Personal Relationships 

Personality and Individual Differences 

Psychiatric Bulletin 

Psychology of Men & Masculinity 

Psychology Today 

Stress and Health 

Studies in Gender and Sexuality 

Substance Abuse 

Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 

Trauma, Violence & Abuse 
